
Explore the 25 top people risks as ranked by over 4,575 HR and Risk professionals.

HR and Risk professionals across 26 markets shared the most significant people risks impacting employee health and well-being.

人的风险 report is your guide for a proactive, predictive, and disciplined approach to people risk management. It outlines key workforce threats facing employers worldwide organised under five pillars of risk, 他们对你的组织的影响, 以及解决当前和未来重大风险的实际方法.

使用此报告来识别, 优先考虑, 并管理整个组织中最关键的人员风险:

  • 发现最重要的人员风险 面向全球的企业
  • 学习主动管理的策略 你的人有风险
  • 了解如何识别和克服障碍 降低人们的风险
  • 确定创新和协作行动 您可以有效地管理风险并提前计划

你准备好探索最大的人际风险了吗 以及缓解它们的策略?


Use this report as your guide to managing the top people and business-related risks. 来自超过4,575名人力资源和风险专业人士的数据和见解.

当人力资源和风险专家合作和创新思维, 你的员工和你的企业会兴旺发达. 投资于你的员工,保护你的生意.


  • 网络安全人才缺口达到了历史新高, 需要400万专业人员来充分保护数字资产.
  • 1 in 2 executives believe AI will fundamentally change their business model but mismanagement of AI is only ranked 18th as a 人的风险 by Risk/HR.

科技正在创造新的就业机会, 交付渠道及产品, 但它也带来了新的风险,加深了现有的风险. 

Managing these risks means creating a culture that is committed to protecting the organisation from cyber threats, 数据泄露和知识产权盗窃, as well as one that is genuinely addressing AI and other disruptive technologies both as an opportunity and a threat.

  • 70% of companies report not having an effective employee value proposition in place today.
  • 1 in 3 HR/Risk professionals are concerned about senior leadership’s lack of expertise in crisis management.

Organisations can only remain competitive if they can recruit and develop the right skills, 才能与领导力. 然而, equally as important is ensuring employees’ needs are met in order to promote thriving and productivity.

领导需要能够认识到员工的需求, inspire engagement and loyalty and take action on supporting their people through critical moments in their lives and in moments of company crises. 的se actions engender trust and are critical in supporting a culture of risk management.

  • 1 in 2 Risk/HR professionals are concerned about productivity losses associated with employees spending time and energy on sourcing, 导航和/或医疗旅行.
  • 46% of employees said they would give up a 10% pay increase for more well-being 好处, 比2022年的32%有所增长.

员工健康和安全是任何人员风险议程的主要内容, but organisations must broaden the scope of how they define well-being at work.

是自杀, 冲突和倦怠倾向于错误的方向, psychological health and emotional well-being now demand equal recognition with physical safety in terms of risk mitigation.

Employers have a unique opportunity to advance health support for their employees and fill gaps within traditional systems of healthcare.

  • 不断增加的健康和福利成本是人们面临的最高风险, 受其高可能性的驱使.
  • Changing legislation and heightened scrutiny has jumped from the 12th to 5th most highly ranked risk due to an explosion in regulation impacting rewards to investments to use of AI.

由于福利成本的通胀压力持续存在, 企业现在必须计划改变他们的福利计划. Managing underlying risks and keeping focus on ensuring employees remain well can help to manage claims costs.

因为它涉及到更广泛的人的风险, 加强利益相关者的审查, litigation and legislative activity across different regions means that identifying and getting ahead of emerging governance gaps is crucial. 

  • 38% of HR/Risk professionals are concerned about lack of 好处 to cover climate-related health conditions.
  • 98858威尼斯70570成本上升的影响是成本, 每月有6个小时的员工因为担心钱而失去工作. Ensuring that people can live decently is critical with only 35% of executives reporting a living wage for all workers.

Environmental risks have traditionally been interpreted as related to property, but the potentially catastrophic impact of extreme weather events and natural disasters on the health and well-being of employees and their families is an imminent threat.

Issues such as the cost-of-living crisis have compounded hardships for many employees over this decade. Widening disparities between executive and worker rewards as well as values are now having an impact on workplace dynamics as well as labour relations.​


Use this report as your guide to managing the top people and business-related risks. 来自超过4,575名人力资源和风险专业人士的数据和见解.




人的风险 报告是风险专业人员的重要资源, including anyone involved in an HR function in their organisation and with responsibility for managing business and people related risks.  It is an essential resource for those involved in the growth and success of their business and helps inform decision-making when prioritising and mitigating workforce-related risks. 

人的风险 report is a resource for HR and Risk professionals with responsibility for managing business and people related risks. It is an essential resource for those involved in the growth and success of their business and helps inform decision-making when prioritising and mitigating workforce-related risks. 

This report equips HR and Risk functions with actionable insights necessary to navigate current and future uncertainties for different industries across regions and markets. 阅读客户案例研究,了解我们如何帮助其他组织, 他们正在吸取的教训, 以及我们提供的价值.

人的风险 报告提供人力资源和风险专业人士, 还有那些和你一起工作的人, with innovative strategies to 优先考虑 and effectively manage workforce-related risks within your organisation. 随着利益相关者期望的增加, 你可以更好地合作,帮助你的企业和员工茁壮成长. 

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